Saturday 22 September 2012


It is essential to the successful commercial production, distribution and exhibition of films and music. It has also played special role in the medium’s interaction with other parts of the media, so that stars have played a significant part in the coverage and marketing of the music generally. The relationship which cinema and music has forged with its audience has frequently been defined by the status of stars. 

They remain the industry’s primary marketing tool and are frequently a main reason for the audience’s attendance.
"Any great pop star has a team of people—from graphic designers to stylists to publicists to the very producers that make their music—all working to keep the public’s view of their star consistent.
That consistency is so vastly important that when it comes to getting famous, it’s arguably as important as the music itself. When people hear your name, it needs to evoke a single, deeply recognizable and unique feeling. That is your image, and it reminds your audience what they are missing by not listening to your music or seeing you live. It is abstract, and has equally important audio and visual components that cooperate to push one message, one theme.
The aim of a music video is to promote an album; for this reason, almost all music videos contain the image of the star(s), the singer or band, to help promote the album. Because of this music videos often feature a wide variety of shots (especially close ups) on their singers, and give them a large percentage of the screen time within a music video.

The 'meta-narrative star image' of a musician or group of musicians is very often heavily represented through music video. The star image is sold to viewers, who watch the stars performing or larking around in videos. The stars can choose what sort of image they wish to sell through the narrative of a music video and portray themselves."

For example, in the Red Hot Chilli Pepper's Can't Stop music video, they have created a playful, cheery  and animatic image of 4 friends playing around, having a wild time together. 
This can be illustrated by their music video- Can't Stop (directed by Mark Romanek)

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