My foundation project was a psychological thriller based on the story of the emotional turmoil of a teenage boy and flashbacks were carefully placed in the opening to revel his haunting/distressing past, that involved the hospitalisation and possibly death of his girlfriend.
According to Roland Barthes' theory, hermeneutic code creates enigma within its narrative. Mysterious clues have been used in our film opening to connote emotions and possible reasons for the characters depression, for example : screaming of the girl to show possible danger and trauma; the contrast between the bright , high-key lighting of the flashback scenes and the dullness and gloominess of the normal scene, showing a change of event; and the last scene of George running towards the edge of the roof. However, none of these actions are explained throughout the opening, and only part of the story is showed to audiences, suspense is thus created and gets the audiences guessing as to what will happen next.
Our narrative framework is heavily based on sound code to create meaning. The music of the sequence started of slow and eerie, creating a negative and mysterious mood in the audiences' mindset, therefore creates a sense of uneasiness and suspense.
The symbolic code in our sequence creates a dark mood, which creates suspense and is often associated with death and evil. The main character, George appears to to depressed as he appears to be unkempt and rough, and his dark clothing in the last suicidal scene further suggests that he might have troubled and dark thoughts, which leaves audiences to wonder what the ending would be and what has caused such a dramatic change of event.
We incorporated footages of dove, as it is often used as a symbol of love and happiness, however it also conveys an opposite idea
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