Sunday 1 July 2012

RESEARCH- Analysing Music Video

Here is a music video- 'If you tolerate this your children will be next' by Manic Street Preachers .
The song's theme is taken from The Spanish Civil War. The song takes its name from a Republican poster of the time. A photograph of a young child killed by Nationalist bombs is shown under a sky of bombers with the stark warning "If you tolerate this, your children will be next" written at the bottom. 

Certain lyrics pertain directly to these works. For example, the line "If I can shoot rabbits/then I can shoot fascists" is attributed to a remark made by a man who signed up with the Republican fighters to his brother in an interview years later.

The background colour of this music video is mostly blue- suggesting a negative tone, which addresses to the war theme. Andrew Goodwin points out the artist's mode of address . Songs can be seen as stories and artists as the storytellers, making a music video a two way communication device, them telling us a story and us listening- this might suggest the reason of the use of blue background colour.

However the music video is largely focused on the band performance as the 'code and conventions' instead of an actual story

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